
Your support helps Gig Harbor Now stay on the story.

Gig Harbor Now is a community-supported nonprofit news organization, reliant on donations from the public we serve. Each of our stories is made possible because people like you believe in our vision to be the eyes, ears and voice of Gig Harbor. Join your friends and neighbors to become a donor or member and support trusted local journalism and the ongoing coverage of Gig Harbor Now. Donations of any amount are appreciated.

To donate to Gig Harbor Now, click the button below or mail a check to Gig Harbor Now, PO Box 546, Gig Harbor, WA 98335.


Leadership Circle members provide sustainable support with three-year commitments to help sustain our newsroom. Members receive special recognition as Leadership Circle members on our website and access to exclusive events and behind-the-scenes information.

To learn more about the Leadership Circle, please click here to contact us or call us at 253-357-5588.

Our supporters

Gig Harbor Now is a registered 501(c)(3) organization, so donors can deduct contributions made to us within the limits of the law.

To donate from a donor-advised fund, search for Gig Harbor Now by our Federal Tax ID #86-1636609.