Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor | Josh Smith, a refreshing option

Jul 26, 2024 | By: Vicky Alsaker

Dismayed by a stale political status quo, last year I realized I was part of the “exhausted majority”. I acknowledged I had joined the two thirds of Americans who find themselves not completely aligned with either political party. I longed for a party that would put the power back in the hands of the American

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Letter to the Editor | These candidates will protect reproductive rights

Jul 16, 2024 | By: Nora Eckstein Sekowski

Soon you will receive your ballot in the mail and will have the opportunity to pick those candidates to go on to the general election in November. When I look at the ballot, a deciding factor for me is a candidate’s stance on abortion rights. A little over two years ago, the Supreme Court made

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Letter to the Editor | No-parking signs ignored at DeMolay

Jul 08, 2024 | By:

I found it very interesting over the 4th of July long weekend that the Demolay Sandspit Park had cars parked in front of NO PARKING Signs and all down the street in front of homes. This was supposed to be solved with the signs. This is why it was suggested over & over by the

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Letter to the Editor | Is PenMet a responsible tax-supported entity?

Jun 25, 2024 | By: Craig McLaughlin

You may remember that PenMet told us when the Board adopted the DeMolay Master Plan, that it’s main focus was to provide ADA access to the DeMolay Sandspit. They brought two ladies, one a world-class wheelchair basketball player and one a mother of two children who can’t carry both of her children to the Sandspit

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Letter to the Editor | Disappointed that politicians were barred from parade

Jun 04, 2024 | By:

I’m extremely disappointed in the Gig Harbor Chamber of Commerce’s decision to not allow politicians running for office a place in the Maritime parade this year. That’s been one of the favorite parts of the parade for years, we like to see and cheer for our candidates. THERE’S NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT TO A COMMUNITY THEN

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Letter to the Editor | Appreciative of the help on Parks Appreciation Day

May 09, 2024 | By: Billy Sehmel

Letter to the editor by Billy Sehmel, PenMet Parks commissioner.

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Letter to the Editor | Linda Pitcher’s ‘The Fleet’ created a lasting impact on Gig Harbor Fishermen

May 02, 2024 | By: Ken Malich

When Linda Pitcher arrived in Gig Harbor a few years ago, she brought with her a PhD in anthropology from Berkley. She stumbled upon our small community and its rich history of fishing, eventually becoming a volunteer at the History Museum. Linda spent several years meticulously piecing together information on all the commercial fishing boats

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Letter to the Editor | Inappropriate and unkind comments at school board meeting

Apr 29, 2024 | By: Aria Messer

It seems the only way ongoing forward momentum is made in the Peninsula School District regarding DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) and HIB (Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying), is to have the news publish an article about it. Thank you for your coverage in February. Since attending school board meetings from the beginning of the school year, I

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Letter to the Editor | Initiative sponsor applauds Gig Harbor voters

Apr 26, 2024 | By: Tim Eyman

Gig Harbor taxpayers are clearly tapped out and that’s why this property tax hike got rejected by 70% of voters. Even though proponents cheated by using tax dollars and illegally utilizing city personnel to promote their side, the citizens of Gig Harbor saw through it and overwhelmingly rejected this transparent tax grab. It’s long past

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Letter to the Editor | What exactly are the ‘scare tactics?’

Apr 22, 2024 | By: Craig McLaughlin

This may surprise some people, but I am impressed with Heather Maher’s Letter to the Editor and with her dedication to our community.  I also agree with much of what Heather has to say, and I thank her for sharing her thoughts.  I have always been an advocate for everyone having their say on issues

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