Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor | PenMet is part of what makes Gig Harbor great

Apr 08, 2024 | By: Heather Maher

As a mom, constituent, and PenMet Parks district taxpayer, I feel compelled to stand up against the recent comments directed at our local parks department leadership. For the past three years I have jumped in with both feet with the goal of learning about the Peninsula Metropolitan Parks Department: how the organization is operated, its

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Letter to the Editor | City made its own spending problem

Apr 05, 2024 | By: Jack Kennedy

The City has a spending problem of its own making. That problem is at the root of the City’s complaint that it is experiencing a deficit in its General Fund. It reports that it is experiencing a 2 million dollar shortfall in its General Fund and proposes to solve this problem by burdening Gig Harbor

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Letter to the Editor | Kiwanis starts new service club for adults with disabilities

Apr 05, 2024 | By: Tina Shoemaker

Members of Kiwanis Club of Gig Harbor and volunteers from several community organizations are introducing a new club for adults with disabilities in the Gig Harbor area. It’s called AKtion Club, and it is a community service club for adults with developmental disabilities The purpose of AKtion Club is to enable service-minded people to volunteer

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Letter to the Editor | City general fund needs additional revenue

Apr 05, 2024 | By: Le Rodenberg

Like many of you, I’ve been talking with lots of folks in our community about the revenue shortfalls facing the city. I thought it was time to get the facts out more broadly than my many one-on-one conversations. I hope once you better appreciate the situation you’ll understand the importance of the vote April 23.

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Letter to the Editor | Is the DeMolay Sandspit really ‘developed’ property?

Apr 02, 2024 | By: Craig McLaughlin

The PenMet Board, at its last meeting, and Steve Nixon in an email to a resident living in the district both stated that the newly adopted Tacoma DeMolay Sandspit Nature Preserve Master Plan is a plan simply to improve on what is already “developed” land.  That seems to be contradictory to the property’s name (which

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Letter to the Editor | Concerns about PenMet leadership

Apr 01, 2024 | By: James H. Castino

As with many other folks in the greater Gig Harbor area, I am increasingly concerned about the direction of the current PenMet Parks leadership, with respect to the size & scope of recent levy proposals (reference the proposed 30% increase last November 2023 that fortunately failed), and now the most current proposal being studied for

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Letter to the Editor | Options for the April 23 property tax proposition

Mar 29, 2024 | By: Jeni Woock

Dear Gig Harbor neighbors, I’ve been answering a lot of questions about the proposed Property tax increase you will see on your April 23 ballot. Proposition 1 will be on the April 23 ballot for your Gig Harbor Citizens’ vote. The proposition asks property owners to vote to increase your Gig Harbor property taxes 57%

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Letter to the Editor | More options for ADA compliance in parks

Mar 28, 2024 | By: Cathy Phillips

I read with interest the letter from Craig McLaughlin regarding the Fox Island Sandspit Park. I agree, less intrusion into this natural area, less expense and construction traffic in the area is desirable. I think there may be many more options for ADA compliance in our parks. There are several assistive Off-road wheelchair devices that

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Letter to the Editor | A suggestion for the DeMolay Sandspit

Mar 25, 2024 | By: Craig McLaughlin

First, let me add a caveat here:  As I said in an earlier Letter to the Editor, the acoustics at the last PenMet Board meeting were terrible for me and for others.  I don’t have the best hearing anyway, but I found it extremely difficult to hear every word being said.  If anything I say

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Letter to the editor | PenMet meetings should be audible as well as open

Mar 21, 2024 | By: Craig McLaughlin

I want to address a major procedural and potentially legal issue arising from the last PenMet Board meeting. I attended a Board meeting back in January at the new headquarters building for PenMet at the Community Recreation Center. It was difficult to hear what the Commissioners were saying because there was no sound system amplifying

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