Business Community Press Releases

We need help! Share your passion by volunteering with us

Posted on August 23rd, 2023 By:

Are you a passionate person? At Gig Harbor Now, we’re passionate about community, and we put that passion toward the high-quality, public service journalism we provide every day.

Behind every story you read, there is a dedicated team of volunteers who share their wide range of energy, skills, and talents to ensure we continue to do what we love to do. There’s so much more to what you see on the daily pages of our publication than single stories written by single journalists.

So many people from all different backgrounds and experiences work together and contribute their essential part to make us whole. To use a phrase we’re all familiar with, it truly does take a village.

As we continue to grow as an organization and presence in Gig Harbor, so does our need to expand our “village.” If you enjoy what you read here, and appreciate the value of all we have to offer our community, we invite you to become a volunteer.

In fact, as a non-profit, community-supported news organization, we depend on the support of volunteer efforts from readers just like you.

If, like us, you’re passionate about community, connection, and loving where you live, we have a need and a place for you: all skills, talents, backgrounds, experiences and abilities welcome. After all, isn’t that exactly what makes any community a great one? Please drop us a line and let us know how we can put your passion and talents to work for our community today.

For information or to volunteer, call us at (253) 357-5588; email us at [email protected]; or message us via Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.