Community Government
City moving ahead with plans to replace North Creek culvert with a bridge
Work will begin in 2025 on a new bridge on Harborview Drive to “daylight” North Creek, a small stream flows beneath the road.
The bridge will replace a box culvert that now serves as fish passage for migrating salmon in North Creek, also known as Donkey Creek.
The city must design and permit the project before construction can begin. That will begin this spring under a contract the city council approved April 10.
The $1.3 million contract with Parametrix calls for the engineering firm to perform a geotechnical evaluation and topographic, hydrologic, hydraulic and other studies before even beginning design work.

Donkey Creek near the culvert that carries water under Harborview Drive.
The council selected a bridge as the best replacement for the existing culvert last fall.
Public Works Director Jeff Langhelm said the new bridge will be similar to one over Donkey Creek on North Harborview Drive. That bridge also replaced a culvert near the History Museum.
In addition to the pre-design studies, Parmetrix will also conduct extensive public outreach to business owners, property owners, drivers, bicyclists and the general public.
The city has applied for a National Culvert Removal, Replacement and Restoration grant from the Federal Highways Administration. The grant could provide up to $4 million in construction funding for the project.
Other business
Mayor Tracie Markley read a proclamation declaring April 16-22 as Volunteer Appreciation Week and April 22 as Parks Appreciation Day.
Gig Harbor Fire & Medic One Chief Dennis Doan updated the council on fire district activities and discussed its lid-lift levy vote in August.
The agenda for the council’s study session meeting, scheduled for 3 p.m. Thursday, April 13, includes discussion of the Wastewater Comprehensive Plan Amendment and the city’s emergency management plan. Community Development staff will update the council about short-term rentals.
The city council’s next meeting is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. April 24 at the civic center.