Community Police & Fire

Gig Harbor Police Blotter: Homeless woman removed from two businesses

Posted on April 13th, 2023 By:

Editor’s note: The Blotter is written based on information provided by Gig Harbor Police, Pierce County Sheriff’s Office and Gig Harbor Fire & Medic One.

Gig Harbor Police officers removed a 36-year-old homeless woman experiencing a mental health crisis from at least two local businesses recently.

Employees of the Starbuck’s coffee shop on Olympic Drive told officers the woman had been sleeping in their lobby on Saturday, April 8. They explained that she also had locked herself in the coffee shop bathroom for up to an hour at a time, yelled at employees and urinated on herself in the lobby.

Employees of a nearby hotel reported similar issues with the same woman on April 12. There, the woman slept on a couch in the lobby and tried to convince employees that she is a part-owner of the hotel.

Officers, who wrote that they are familiar with the 36-year-old Gig Harbor woman from similar previous incidents, issued her a trespass notification for both locations. Under the trespass notification, she could be charged with burglary if she returns.

Officers last saw the woman boarding a Kitsap Airporter bus at the Kimball Drive park and ride lot.

Mission Impossible-style

An unknown suspect burglarized two neighboring businesses in unincorporated Gig Harbor– a market and a pharmacy – over the weekend of April 8-9.

The suspect got inside both buildings by breaking windows. Inside the market, he crawled about 30 feet across the floor in an apparent attempt to avoid setting off motion sensors. But after 30 feet, the alarm sounded anyway, and he immediately got up and fled.

The suspect also set off the alarm when breaking into the pharmacy.