Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor: Richards shows intelligence, compassion

Posted on October 20th, 2022 By: Twila Slind

If public safety, inflation, education, and employment opportunities are a concern of yours, I encourage you to vote for Adison Richards for State Representative. He has lived here all his life, and he has been working as a lawyer with the Northwest Justice Project, where he has served people who could not afford representation.

He believes every dollar matters, every job matters, and every person matters. He learned these values digging irrigation trenches with his dad growing up. He understands the concerns of small business owners, teachers and parents, and he has concrete ideas for fixing our state’s regressive tax system.

Adison has a heart for seniors, middle class families, and those struggling to make ends meet, and that is why I am voting for him. He doesn’t attack his opponent, because he is a decent human being, something often missing in today’s politics. His intelligence, compassion, and measured composure have earned my vote, and I hope you vote for him as well.

Twila Slind
Gig Harbor, WA

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