Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor | More options for ADA compliance in parks

Posted on March 28th, 2024 By: Cathy Phillips

I read with interest the letter from Craig McLaughlin regarding the Fox Island Sandspit Park. I agree, less intrusion into this natural area, less expense and construction traffic in the area is desirable. I think there may be many more options for ADA compliance in our parks. There are several assistive Off-road wheelchair devices that can be used for sand, rough roads and trails. Here is an example:

Perhaps a few Off-Road wheelchairs could be purchased for the Park District and used in a trial. They could be rented or loaned with a returnable deposit to those who need them.

Another option would be asking an Occupational Therapist to review and advise other types of ADA assistance for better accessibility in our parks. Or … Perhaps those with special needs could work with their own medical providers to find the best assistive devices for them to gain more access to our parks.

Cathy Phillips, RN

Gig Harbor

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