Gig Harbor Community Member

Letter to the Editor | Josh Smith, a refreshing option

Jul 26, 2024

Dismayed by a stale political status quo, last year I realized I was part of the “exhausted majority”. I acknowledged I had joined the two thirds of Americans who find themselves not completely aligned with either political party. I longed for a party that would put the power back in the hands of the American

Letter to the Editor | These candidates will protect reproductive rights

Jul 16, 2024

Soon you will receive your ballot in the mail and will have the opportunity to pick those candidates to go on to the general election in November. When I look at the ballot, a deciding factor for me is a candidate’s stance on abortion rights. A little over two years ago, the Supreme Court made

Wellness Wednesday | Tips for being sun-safe

Jul 09, 2024

July is UV Safety Awareness Month, but what do you need to know about UV safety to make informed and good decisions for yourself and your family? UV basics Let’s start with some ultraviolet (UV) basics. There are three types of UV rays: UVA, UVB, and UVC. These are forms of radiation and are classified

Letter to the Editor | No-parking signs ignored at DeMolay

Jul 08, 2024

I found it very interesting over the 4th of July long weekend that the Demolay Sandspit Park had cars parked in front of NO PARKING Signs and all down the street in front of homes. This was supposed to be solved with the signs. This is why it was suggested over & over by the

Letter to the Editor | Is PenMet a responsible tax-supported entity?

Jun 25, 2024

You may remember that PenMet told us when the Board adopted the DeMolay Master Plan, that it’s main focus was to provide ADA access to the DeMolay Sandspit. They brought two ladies, one a world-class wheelchair basketball player and one a mother of two children who can’t carry both of her children to the Sandspit

Wellness Wednesday | What you need to know about Alzheimer’s and dementia during Brain Awareness Month

Jun 18, 2024

Imagine looking into the eyes of your closest longtime friend but unable to place them or remember their name. Or remembering suddenly, in the grocery store aisle, you need coffee, only to come home and find several unopened packages of coffee in your cupboard because the same situation has happened several times before. What about

Letter to the Editor | Disappointed that politicians were barred from parade

Jun 04, 2024

I’m extremely disappointed in the Gig Harbor Chamber of Commerce’s decision to not allow politicians running for office a place in the Maritime parade this year. That’s been one of the favorite parts of the parade for years, we like to see and cheer for our candidates. THERE’S NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT TO A COMMUNITY THEN

Committee denies Caldier’s appeal, orders ‘remedial training in respectful workplace expectations’

May 23, 2024

This article is reprinted with permission from the Washington State Standard, a nonprofit publication covering policy and politics in Olympia. Read more here. A Washington state lawmaker accused last year of bullying and berating employees has been told she must undergo remedial training on proper workplace conduct before her access to legislative staff is fully restored.

Letter to the Editor | Appreciative of the help on Parks Appreciation Day

May 09, 2024

Letter to the editor by Billy Sehmel, PenMet Parks commissioner.

Sophia Fraser, a champion on and off the court

May 09, 2024

Sophia Fraser of Gig Harbor High is a Student of Distinction in the category of Community Service Achievement.