Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor | More options for ADA compliance in parks

Mar 28, 2024 | By: Cathy Phillips

I read with interest the letter from Craig McLaughlin regarding the Fox Island Sandspit Park. I agree, less intrusion into this natural area, less expense and construction traffic in the area is desirable. I think there may be many more options for ADA compliance in our parks. There are several assistive Off-road wheelchair devices that

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Letter to the Editor | A suggestion for the DeMolay Sandspit

Mar 25, 2024 | By: Craig McLaughlin

First, let me add a caveat here:  As I said in an earlier Letter to the Editor, the acoustics at the last PenMet Board meeting were terrible for me and for others.  I don’t have the best hearing anyway, but I found it extremely difficult to hear every word being said.  If anything I say

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Letter to the editor | PenMet meetings should be audible as well as open

Mar 21, 2024 | By: Craig McLaughlin

I want to address a major procedural and potentially legal issue arising from the last PenMet Board meeting. I attended a Board meeting back in January at the new headquarters building for PenMet at the Community Recreation Center. It was difficult to hear what the Commissioners were saying because there was no sound system amplifying

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Letter to the Editor | Is the Sports Complex too expensive for Gig Harbor?

Mar 13, 2024 | By: Edward Nadler

The City of Gig Harbor’s Resolution 1309 (adopting the Gig Harbor Sports Complex Phase 2 and 3 Feasibility Study) states that the need for athletic fields in the Gig Harbor area has been documented for many years, including in the City’s Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan. Yet, the PROS Plan states: “Residents generally feel

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12 from GHFMO climb 1,356 steps in blood cancer fundraiser

Mar 11, 2024 | By: Ryan Shervanik

Congratulations to your Local 3390 Firefighters! Twelve members of Gig Harbor Fire & Medic One & Local 3390 conquered the 2024 Firefighter Stairclimb on Sunday, March 10, with grit and determination, reaching new heights not just in the Columbia Center but in their commitment to making a difference in the fight against blood cancer. Their

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Letter to the Editor | Peninsula High Key Club collects 950 pounds of pet food

Mar 05, 2024 | By:

To Best Friends Doggie Day Care, Bayside Animal Lodge, Gig Harbor YMCA, and Gig Harbor community. On behalf of Peninsula High School’s Kiwanis Key Club and our community service project, Paws-4-a-Cause, we extend our deepest gratitude for your incredible generosity and support. Your contributions have made a significant impact on our mission to provide for

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Letter to the Editor | Sales tax proposal will allow full staffing for police department

Feb 28, 2024 | By: Edward Nadler

By now, all property owners within the City of Gig Harbor should be aware that on February 12, council adopted Resolution 1305 placing a Proposition to increase our property taxes on the upcoming April 23 special ballot. We are told an increase in revenue is needed to cover a $2 million shortfall in the General

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Letter to the Editor | Where’s the restraint on tax proposals?

Feb 28, 2024 | By: Tom Long

We should do this, we should do that. Great idea. Sure we can do it. Just increase the sales tax, only 0.1%. And then there’s the property tax lid lift proposal of more than 50%. That becomes a big number. Where’s the restraint? The property tax increase is an invitation for an action to cap

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Letter to the Editor | More on PenMet’s plans for the DeMolay Sandspit

Feb 27, 2024 | By: Craig McLaughlin

I want to thank Ed (Friedrich) for his excellent summary of PenMet’s developing plans for the DeMolay Sandspit. Background PenMet created an Advisory Committee of stakeholders and has held two public meetings.   I was selected by the FICRA Board to be on the Advisory Committee.  I attended all four Committee meetings, both public meetings, and

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Letter to the Editor: A shout out to the Gig Harbor community, neighbors, and the Pierce County Council

Feb 01, 2024 | By: Thelma Brown

On behalf of the Gig Harbor/Key Peninsula Suicide Prevention Coalition, I would like to thank all those who supported our first annual fundraiser that was held on August 10th, 2023.  Our goal was to raise $2,500, but with the generous donations that we received, the amount came to over $8,000 and with that we give

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